@article{imam2024testtimelowrankadaptation,title={Test-Time Low-Rank Adaptation via Confidence Maximization for Zero-Shot Generalization of Vision-Language Models},author={Imam, Raza and Gani, Hanan and Huzaifa, Muhammad and Nandakumar, Karthik},journal={WACV},year={2025},}
EFSA: Episodic Few-Shot Adaptation for Text-to-Image Retrieval
@article{huzaifa2024efsaepisodicfewshotadaptation,title={EFSA: Episodic Few-Shot Adaptation for Text-to-Image Retrieval},author={Huzaifa, Muhammad and Kementchedjhieva, Yova},year={2024},}
ObjectCompose: Evaluating Resilience of Vision-Based Models on Object-to-Background Compositional Changes
Hashmat Shadab Malik* , Muhammad Huzaifa* , Muzzamal Naseer , and 2 more authors
@article{malik2024objectcompose,title={ObjectCompose: Evaluating Resilience of Vision-Based Models on Object-to-Background Compositional Changes},author={Malik*, Hashmat Shadab and Huzaifa*, Muhammad and Naseer, Muzzamal and Khan, Salman and Khan, Fahad Shahbaz},journal={ACCV},year={2024},presentation={https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QtKMByp8nZDU-SwzFm-KzLm5Z1oXizXw/view?usp=sharing},}
On enhancing the robustness of vision transformers in medical imaging: Defensive diffusion
Raza Imam* , Muhammad Huzaifa* , and Mohammed El Amine Azz
In 27th Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2023 , 2023
@inproceedings{raza2023enhancing,title={On enhancing the robustness of vision transformers in medical imaging: Defensive diffusion},author={Imam*, Raza and Huzaifa*, Muhammad and Amine Azz, Mohammed El},booktitle={27th Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2023},pages={235},year={2023},}
Domain Adaptable Fine-Tune Distillation Framework For Advancing Farm Surveillance
Raza Imam , Muhammad Huzaifa , Nabil Mansour , and 2 more authors
@article{imam2024domain,title={Domain Adaptable Fine-Tune Distillation Framework For Advancing Farm Surveillance},author={Imam, Raza and Huzaifa, Muhammad and Mansour, Nabil and Bano Mirza, Shaher and Lamghari, Fouad},journal={arXiv:2210.03117},year={2023},}